9:05 PM

How did your day go?

This is the question that's E-mailed to me every night around 8 PM from a site called OhLife.  All you do is reply to the E-mail with your journal entry and it's saved on their site.  The E-mails also contain a random entry from the past.  When I signed up for it, I thought it would be another annoying E-mail (like many of the others I get).  Come to find out, it's been a great tool for helping me reflect on my feelings and the events of the day.  I'm tempted not to reply some days.  But I always have something on my mind that seems to flow once I get that E-mail.  

Here is a list of 100 reasons why you should journal:

Stress reduction:

  • Reduces the scatter in your life
  • Increases focus
  • Brings stability
  • Offers a deeper level of learning, order, action and release
  • Holds thoughts still so they can be changed and integrated
  • Processes your stuff in a natural and appropriate way
  • Releases pent-up thoughts and emotions
  • Empowers
  • Disentangles thoughts and ideas
  • Bridges inner thinking with outer events
  • Detaches and lets go of the past
  • Allows you to re-experience the past with today's adult mind

  • Heals relationships
  • Heals the past
  • Dignifies all events
  • Is honest, trusting, non-judgmental
  • Strengthens your sense of yourself
  • Balances and harmonizes
  • Recalls and reconstructs past events
  • Acts as your own counselor
  • Integrates peaks and valleys in life
  • Soothes troubled memories
  • Sees yourself as a larger, important, whole and connected being
  • Leverages therapy sessions for better and faster results
  • Reveals and tracks patterns and cycles

Know yourself and your truth better:

  • Builds self confidence and self knowledge
  • Records the past
  • Brings out natural beauty and wisdom
  • Helps you feel better about yourself
  • Helps you identify your values
  • Reads your own mind
  • Aids in connecting causes to effects
  • Reveals the depths of who you are
  • Reveals outward expression of yet unformed inner impulses
  • Creates mystery
  • Clarifies thoughts, feelings and behavior
  • Reveals your greater potential
  • Shifts you to the observer, recorder, counselor level
  • Reveals your processes - how you think, learn, create and use intuition
  • Creates awareness of beliefs and options so you can change them
  • Self-discovery
  • Reveals different aspects of self
  • Helps you see yourself as an individual
  • Connects you to the bigger picture
  • Is a close, intimate, accepting, trusting, caring, honest, non-judgmental, perfect friend
  • Accesses the unconscious, subconscious and super consciousness
  • Finds the missing pieces and the unsaid
  • Helps rid you of the masks you wear
  • Helps solve the mysteries of life
  • Finds more meaning in life

 Personal growth:
  • Enables you to live life to the fullest
  • Is fun, playful and sometimes humorous
  • Expresses and creates
  • Plants seeds
  • Starts the sorting and grouping process
  • Integrates life experiences and learnings
  • Moves you towards wholeness and growth, to who you really are
  • Creates more results in life
  • Explores your spirituality
  • Focuses and clarifies your desires and needs
  • Enhances self expression
  • Enhances career and community
  • Allows freedom of expression
  • Offers progressive inner momentum to static unrelated events
  • Exercises your mental muscles
  • Improves congruency and integrity
  • Enhances breakthroughs
  • Unfolds the writer in you
  • Maximizes time and business efficiency
  • Explores night dreams, day dreams and fantasies
  • Measures and tracks what is important

Easier problem solving:

  • Eases decision making
  • Offers new perspectives
  • Brings things together
  • Shows relationships and wholeness instead of separation

It’s flexible and easy:

  • Can be applied to clarify any issue in your life
  • Takes so little time to stop, pay attention and listen to yourself
  • Meets your needs, style, processing methods
  • Caters to left and right brained people
  • Has no rules - messiness, typos, poor writing are all OK
  • Is often self-starting and motivating and supplies its own energy

Enhances intuition and creativity:

  • Improves self trust
  • Awakens the inner voice
  • Directs intention and discernment
  • Provides insights
  • Improves sensitivity
  • Interprets your symbols and dreams
  • Increases memory of events

Captures your life story:
  • Teaches you how to write stories
  • Soothes troubled memories
  • Captures family and personal story
  • Stimulates personal growth
  • Improves family unity

So, try OhLife!  See what you think!

8:43 AM

HCG Diet...The Aftermath

It has been a little over a month since I completed the HCG diet and protocol.  And I'm excited/proud/overjoyed to say that I am the same weight today as I was on June 12.  Even when I started Phase 2 (the phase where fats and carbs are SLOWLY introduced), it seemed like I continued to get smaller (though I still weighed the same).  The clothes I was able to salvage from the "donate" pile in the garage just kept feeling bigger and bigger.  

Eventually, I broke down and bought some new clothes (especially after the comment about my khakis looking like I crapped my pants because they were so baggy......thanks for that, Rick....I love your honesty).  I got a pair of brown slacks, a pair of black slacks, and four business casual tops for work (that can also be worn for evening/weekend outings with my man).  I also found an awesome deal on some jeans at Old Navy, so I bought three pairs!  So, with those clothes and the ones I'm still able to wear after purging my closet of over half of my wardrobe, I should be good to go.  In a couple of months, I want to go through them again and scale back a little more. 

I have to admit, I'm a little surprised that I'm still the same weight.  I did stay pretty strict to the Phase 2 diet for about 2 1/2 weeks.  And then there were birthday parties and get-togethers.  Which means ice cream, cake, hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, etc.  I remember someone saying "I'm really excited for you that you can eat whatever you want now!!!".  She saw me as being deprived before.....and I can see how one would think that.  I never felt deprived.  I had no desire to eat anything that was not on my list of "allowed" foods.  But it is nice to be able to eat what is being served, rather than having to bring my own food.

Though my weight has stabilized, it's not over.  I must continue to monitor my weight and food intake for life.  That's the key.  And that's why I did it in the first place.  To get a jump start on weight loss and learn how to eat the right kinds of things and develop a taste for them (even though, right now, the thought of grilled shrimp or grilled chicken makes me ill).  I might even start exercising!

12:03 AM

Time For A New Piercing

Well, it's been a little over 7 years since I've had a new piercing (not counting the re-pierce of my cartilage in November 2007.....even counting that one, it's been too long). My last one was my tragus...before that was my rook (not sure on the exact dates). Anyway, I'd like your opinion on what I should get next. I have a couple of ideas but am having trouble narrowing them down.

The ones I'm debating over are: the snug (also known as an anti-helix...can be pierced with a captive bead hoop, as shown in the picture, or with a curved barbell, which is what I think I'll go with), and the anti-tragus (which could be pierced with either type of jewelry, as well).

Now, there are pros and cons to both. The snug would have to be in my left ear (where my tragus is pierced) so it wouldn't interfere with the rook piercing in my right ear. And the anti-tragus would have to be in the right ear, so as to not interfere with the tragus piercing in my left ear. Do you see my dilemma? I'm also concerned that I would not be able to wear regular earrings in my lobes if I went with the anti-tragus (I have two holes in each earlobe that I wear earrings in pretty regularly).

I'm planning on going sometime tomorrow, so I'll need your input ASAP. When I decide to do something like this, there isn't much planning/preparation....which adds to the excitement/thrill of it. I've been thinking of it for a while, really.....it just hit me this afternoon when I got home from work that this is something I need to do right now. Something for me.

5:58 PM

Giving Efleaa A Try

Going to give efleaa Auction online auctions - ebay alternative - Free online auction a try in hopes that I can get rid of my clutter. I haven't added items yet, but hopefully I will be able to soon (need to take pics of everything). Check back often to see what new items have been added. Also, check out KidzKorner for a variety of items. And tell your friends! Hell, tell everyone you know!

6:11 PM

Rough Start to the Minimalist Lifestyle

I've read numerous inspiring posts on becoming a minimalist and ridding my life of clutter and possessions.  How can I become a minimalist when no one else wants my stuff?  I have taken over half of my wardrobe and LOADS of stuff downstairs to sell, had two garage sales, listed items on Craigslist and Ebay, taken clothing to a resale shop (where none of my items were accepted, to my surprise) and even donated a trunk load to C.A.R.E.'s Closet (a thrift store where the proceeds go to the C.A.R.E. animal shelter).  I would give it all away, but I need the money to fund the new wardrobe I just bought after losing 43 lbs. and to start a much-needed savings account. 

I won't give up, though.  I'll find a way to get rid of it all one way or another.  I've got a couple of other options (flea market booth, selling clothes on consignment, etc), but nothing really strikes my fancy or gives me a quick solution to the problem.  If you have any suggestions, please send them my way! 

8:13 PM

HCG Diet (Days 41-???)

Well, I'm finally done with what I'll call Phase 1 of the HCG Diet.  The 2nd Phase is a low-carb phase (much like the South Beach or Atkins Diet), which I'll be following for the next few weeks.  I went in last week for my last official weigh-in and measurements at the clinic.  The results amazed me.  To date, according to their scales, I have lost 26.4 lbs. (According to mine, I've lost 30...and along with the 12 I lost on my own, that brings the grand total to 42!)  I have also lost 15.75" total off of the 4 regions they measure (7.75" off my waist, alone).

I had a pile of clothes out in the garage that wouldn't fit, and now I'm going to those clothes again because my others are just falling off.  I've found 4 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of black pants, a pair of grey pants and two pairs of khakis that I can wear again.  I may replace those, eventually, but for now, they will work.

I am considering doing another round of the injections (or I might try the drops this time since they are considerably cheaper and can be found locally).  If I do decide to do another round, it will start July 3.  That means my load days will be on a holiday weekend, which will be perfect!!  

I will keep you posted on my continued success and my decision on whether or not to try it again!

8:49 PM

HCG Diet (Days 34-41)

Well, I'm nearing the end.  So far, I've lost 27 lbs. on the HCG Diet.  I can honestly say I'm sick of chicken and shrimp.  I'm ready to add a little variety in my diet.  According to the protocol, I must continue to follow the diet for three days following my last injection (which was yesterday).  So, I'm looking forward to Saturday when I can maybe have a hamburger and some watermelon!  Though I will still be restricted on what I eat, I am allowed different things.  

I go in Friday for my last official weigh-in and to have my measurements taken.  Though it is the end of the HCG diet, itself, this is only the beginning of a lifestyle of different eating habits.  I hope to continue to lose weight on my own.  And with the willpower I've shown over these last 41 days, I'm sure it will be no problem to overcome temptations I will face along the way.  Like I said before, I've got great support and no one will let me slip up.

9:51 PM

HCG Diet (Days 11-33)

Sorry it has been a while since I have updated you on my progress.  Today is day 33, and I am still feeling great.  To date, I have lost 22 lbs and 12.5" total from my bust, waist, hips and thighs.  I can tell a HUGE difference in the way my clothes fit and the way I look.  According to my calculations, I have 7 more injections.  I will continue on the diet for 3 more days after my last injection (the HCG will stay in my system and continue to work).  So, by June 13, this phase will officially be over.  I go in next Friday (the 11th) to have my "after" picture taken.  And then they will instruct me on what the next phase will entail.  From what I've heard so far, it will be very similar to the South Beach Diet.  I've looked into it, and it seems like something I can handle.  Especially if I've survived the last month eating what little I have been.

It's really all about a lifestyle change.  If I continue to watch what I eat and add in a little cardio as I can, I will be able to continue to lose weight or maintain my current weight (which is a great improvement from where I started).

9:04 PM

HCG Weight Loss Update (Days 5-10)

Today is day 10 of the HCG Diet/Protocol.  Earlier today, I went in for my first weigh-in.  According to my scale, I have lost 12 lbs.  According to theirs, I've lost 9.  Either way, I'm happy.  I've also lost 8 1/4" inches off of my bust, waist, hips, and thighs combined.  I can see and feel a difference already.  My clothes fit different, people are noticing, and I feel great. 

This past weekend was a bit of a struggle, but I made it just fine.  I had two Mother's day dinners and made my own food for both.  No one tried to push anything on me.  There was no, "Oh, come on, one small piece of cake won't hurt".  It really helps that everyone is supporting my efforts. 

The thing that makes the diet easier, is that I'm eating food I love.  The foods I eat are:  grilled or boiled chicken, grilled shrimp, cucumbers, steamed broccoli, salad, roasted asparagus, strawberries, and oranges.  I also drink 2 liters of water a day and consume one to two cans of Coke Zero a day.  Keep in mind, these are not the only foods I CAN eat, they are just the ones I choose to eat.  Everything is quick and easy to make and very satisfying.  I can't imagine introducing more foods later.  I'm very happy with the quantity of food I am eating now.  It has helped me realize that the portions I was consuming before were way off from where they needed to be.  And I have plenty of energy to do things.  In fact, sometimes I notice that I have way more energy than I had before starting the diet.

My hip and back pain are improving, and my stomach isn't upset after every meal.  All in all, things are going great!  I'll keep you posted on what happens in the following week! 

11:01 PM

HCG Diet/Protocol (Days 1-4)

On Saturday, May 1, I started the HCG Diet/Protocol.  The first two days of the diet were "load" days, meaning, I pretty much ate whatever I wanted.  From now on, I will eat around 500 calories per day.  I also inject 12.5 cc's of the HCG hormone daily.  Sounds like fun, right?  My goal is to lose 30-35 lbs. in the 30-ish days I will be on the program.  With support and dedication, I will succeed.  Plus, I spent a good chunk of change that I have been saving for a while....so this better work!

What is the HCG Hormone?  Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone found in pregnant women.  After doing a little research, this is what I understand about it:  the fetus needs nutrients 24/7.  Since the mother cannot eat 24/7, the HCG hormone uses stored body fat to nourish the fetus.   There are no side effects, so it is safe for men and women to use. 

How will I lose weight by using HCG?  HCG aids in weight loss by burning stored body fat at an incredible rate of 3/4 to 1 lb. per day.  Working alone, this hormone can burn around 3,500 calories.  That, along with an extremely low calorie diet, will help me lose weight. 

How will I keep the weight off?  I will continue to watch what I eat.  After only a couple of days on the program, my desire for food that is not good for me has diminished significantly.  I will see the results and want to keep the weight off and stay healthy.  It's really that simple.

I'm surprisingly satisfied by what little food I am eating.  I eat fruit (an orange or strawberries) twice a day, and two meals of either tilapia or chicken and a veggie (broccoli, cucumbers, salad, or asparagus).  All foods I love.   

I will weigh daily and check in with the Dr. weekly, so I'll keep you updated on my progress.  This is a big step for me.  And I'm confident it will work.  It's a change I need to make and a lifestyle I need to get back into.  

8:43 PM

Lessons I've Learned in 27 years

The majority of list was taken from www.ridiculouslyextraordinary.com and revised to fit my life and my style.  Karol said I could use his content, and this list really hits home.  So here goes.....
  1. Friends really do come and go. Some come back. Some don’t. And that’s OK.
  2. Nobody cares about me as much as they care about themselves.
  3. It’s OK to be different.
  4. Most people won’t agree with me.
  5. The people who really care will still care whether they agree with me or not.
  6. I don’t need anybody’s support to do what I want to do.
  7. Arguments/disagreements are pointless.
  8. People will rationalize and justify anything and everything to be “right.”
  9. It's easier to make several small changes than a big one that won't stick.
  10. Don't try.  Just do.
  11. I can have anything I want.
  12. I will never settle for less than I deserve.  Not in a relationship, not in a job, not ever.
  13. Somebody will always tell me my ideas suck.
  14. Smoking is gross. Kissing someone who smokes is grosser.
  15. I will make mistakes. So what?
  16. It’s OK to feel sad or cry.
  17. There is nothing wrong with me.  I am perfect the way I am.  If you don't like it, it's your loss.
  18. I am passionate about a lot of things.
  19. Nobody cares what kind of car I drive. If they do, they’re not worth my time. (This philosophy could also apply the kinds of clothes I wear.)
  20. I'm not a pushover.
  21. If I don't make my needs, wants or desires known, they will never come to fruition.
  22. I won’t make the same mistake twice. If I do, I won't make it a third time.
  23. There will always be somebody more “successful” than me.
  24. I will define my own rules for success.
  25. If I don’t feel good, I probably don’t need a doctor. It’s my diet.
  26. I will never be good enough if I don’t define great.
  27. If I wear the same pants every day nobody will notice.
  28. Just because somebody tells me something is true, doesn’t mean it is.
  29. Jealousy is mankind's most useless emotion. 
  30. Happiness is mankind’s most useful emotion.
  31. What goes around comes around.
  32. It’s OK if I don’t like something. But I don't know if I like it or not until I try it.  
  33. I don't pretend to like something if I don't.
  34. There are exceptions to every rule. That doesn’t make the rule invalid.
  35. If somebody tells you they want the best for you what they mean is they want you to do what they say and follow their rules.
  36. I don’t blame anybody for my problems.  They’re mine. The sooner I establish this the sooner I can work on them.
  37. Just because a billion people do something doesn’t mean it’s right.
  38. Don’t wish, do. Saying, “I wish I could…” is a waste of time and energy.
  39. It’s OK that I don’t want to travel the world. There are lots of things to explore in my own backyard.
  40. Don’t think of cost. Think of value.
  41. If something is expensive that doesn’t mean it’s worth it. If something is cheap that doesn’t mean it’s not. 
  42. Maybe I can’t have it all. That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try.
  43. I don't depend on other people. 
  44. It’s OK to complain sometimes. I call it venting, and I try not to make a habit of it.
  45. I've learned the importance of drinking lots of water.
  46. There is always more I can do. But that doesn’t mean there is always more I should do.
  47. Low calorie does not mean healthy.
  48. If I can't see without my glasses, I should wear them.
  49. I have everything I need for complete peace and total happiness right now.
  50. If my eyes are blinded with worries, I cannot see the beauty of the sunset.
This list will change and grow....much like myself, as a person.

10:09 PM

My Precious Pit Bulls

This is Lily and Hot Sauce.  They are like my children.  I adopted Lily (the white one) at 8 weeks (she will be 3 years old on the 28th of this month).  Hot Sauce (the red one) was 4 months old when I adopted her (she will be 3 on November 1).  They are BFF's....inseparable.  I couldn't imagine life without them. 

They are registered, spayed and microchipped according the guidelines of the Springfield, MO City Ordinance (http://www.springfieldmo.gov/health/pitbull.html).  I pay $50 per year, per dog to have them in the city limits.  What a load of crap. 

They are well-behaved dogs, though they have had no formal training.  They are fully house-broken and crate trained.  AND they love to go to the dog wash!  

4:42 PM

Will the Steelers Trade Ben?

This news comes to a shock to me, and all Steelers fans.  Are the Steelers giving up on Big Ben?  He's young.  He's rich.  He's successful.  He's going to make mistakes.  We all do.  He's already suspended for six games.  Isn't that enough punishment for the team and us, the fans.  We were without Troy for all but three games last year....and look where we ended up.  Polamalu is a great asset to the Steelers defense, and whether you want to admit it or not, his absence played a big part in the season they had last year.  

I hate to think of the Steelers without Ben, but maybe, sometimes, change can be a good thing.  I'm a Steelers fan, regardless.

8:53 AM

Movie Quote Conversations

Somehow I manage to incorporate at least one movie quote into a conversation each and every day of my life.  The quotes are typically from comedies  I guess because I try to see the funny side in everything and not take life too seriously.  Life is too short.  And if Will Ferrell's character said something funny in a movie, and it fits in my conversation, I'm going to use it.  And the fact that I retain one-liners like nobody's business helps, too.  :)

Recently, I watched Gabriel Iglesias: Hot and Fluffy - Live From Bakersfield.  I laughed the entire time.  This guy is funny as hell and awesome at sound effects, impersonations and accents.  He really knows how to incorporate them into his act and he does it well.  He just goes out there and does his own thing and is himself.  That's what I liked the most about it.  And there are so many good one-liners.    

6:50 PM

Innova Champion Groove

Recently, I purchased an Innova Champion Groove disc.  I am VERY happy with it.  This disc really is the best of the best.  Weighing in at 171 grams, the Groove has the best distance rating (13), the best glide rating (6), the best flight pattern (2, -2) and it is made out of the best plastic.  The Champion plastic holds its flight ratings characteristics longer than the discs made of the Star or DX plastics.  It is also much more durable.  Believe me, I know.  I've hit SEVERAL trees with this disc already and it doesn't even show.  My Star and DX discs showed wear after the first throw.  I couldn't ask for a better disc.

10:21 PM

The First Of Many

Welcome to my blog.  Here I hope to share the enthusiasm, excitement and passion I have for many things in life.

Just a short list to get us started:

  • Bully Breed Rescue/Awareness
  • Music
  • Disc Golf
  • Finance
  • Nutrition/Cooking
  • Biking
  • Guitar Hero/Rockband
  • Pittsburgh Steelers
I only hope that I will be able to convey my excitement about these topics, and others, through this blog. Thank you for stopping by! Check back often!


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