6:11 PM

Rough Start to the Minimalist Lifestyle

I've read numerous inspiring posts on becoming a minimalist and ridding my life of clutter and possessions.  How can I become a minimalist when no one else wants my stuff?  I have taken over half of my wardrobe and LOADS of stuff downstairs to sell, had two garage sales, listed items on Craigslist and Ebay, taken clothing to a resale shop (where none of my items were accepted, to my surprise) and even donated a trunk load to C.A.R.E.'s Closet (a thrift store where the proceeds go to the C.A.R.E. animal shelter).  I would give it all away, but I need the money to fund the new wardrobe I just bought after losing 43 lbs. and to start a much-needed savings account. 

I won't give up, though.  I'll find a way to get rid of it all one way or another.  I've got a couple of other options (flea market booth, selling clothes on consignment, etc), but nothing really strikes my fancy or gives me a quick solution to the problem.  If you have any suggestions, please send them my way! 



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