9:04 PM

HCG Weight Loss Update (Days 5-10)

Today is day 10 of the HCG Diet/Protocol.  Earlier today, I went in for my first weigh-in.  According to my scale, I have lost 12 lbs.  According to theirs, I've lost 9.  Either way, I'm happy.  I've also lost 8 1/4" inches off of my bust, waist, hips, and thighs combined.  I can see and feel a difference already.  My clothes fit different, people are noticing, and I feel great. 

This past weekend was a bit of a struggle, but I made it just fine.  I had two Mother's day dinners and made my own food for both.  No one tried to push anything on me.  There was no, "Oh, come on, one small piece of cake won't hurt".  It really helps that everyone is supporting my efforts. 

The thing that makes the diet easier, is that I'm eating food I love.  The foods I eat are:  grilled or boiled chicken, grilled shrimp, cucumbers, steamed broccoli, salad, roasted asparagus, strawberries, and oranges.  I also drink 2 liters of water a day and consume one to two cans of Coke Zero a day.  Keep in mind, these are not the only foods I CAN eat, they are just the ones I choose to eat.  Everything is quick and easy to make and very satisfying.  I can't imagine introducing more foods later.  I'm very happy with the quantity of food I am eating now.  It has helped me realize that the portions I was consuming before were way off from where they needed to be.  And I have plenty of energy to do things.  In fact, sometimes I notice that I have way more energy than I had before starting the diet.

My hip and back pain are improving, and my stomach isn't upset after every meal.  All in all, things are going great!  I'll keep you posted on what happens in the following week! 

11:01 PM

HCG Diet/Protocol (Days 1-4)

On Saturday, May 1, I started the HCG Diet/Protocol.  The first two days of the diet were "load" days, meaning, I pretty much ate whatever I wanted.  From now on, I will eat around 500 calories per day.  I also inject 12.5 cc's of the HCG hormone daily.  Sounds like fun, right?  My goal is to lose 30-35 lbs. in the 30-ish days I will be on the program.  With support and dedication, I will succeed.  Plus, I spent a good chunk of change that I have been saving for a while....so this better work!

What is the HCG Hormone?  Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone found in pregnant women.  After doing a little research, this is what I understand about it:  the fetus needs nutrients 24/7.  Since the mother cannot eat 24/7, the HCG hormone uses stored body fat to nourish the fetus.   There are no side effects, so it is safe for men and women to use. 

How will I lose weight by using HCG?  HCG aids in weight loss by burning stored body fat at an incredible rate of 3/4 to 1 lb. per day.  Working alone, this hormone can burn around 3,500 calories.  That, along with an extremely low calorie diet, will help me lose weight. 

How will I keep the weight off?  I will continue to watch what I eat.  After only a couple of days on the program, my desire for food that is not good for me has diminished significantly.  I will see the results and want to keep the weight off and stay healthy.  It's really that simple.

I'm surprisingly satisfied by what little food I am eating.  I eat fruit (an orange or strawberries) twice a day, and two meals of either tilapia or chicken and a veggie (broccoli, cucumbers, salad, or asparagus).  All foods I love.   

I will weigh daily and check in with the Dr. weekly, so I'll keep you updated on my progress.  This is a big step for me.  And I'm confident it will work.  It's a change I need to make and a lifestyle I need to get back into.  


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