8:43 AM

HCG Diet...The Aftermath

It has been a little over a month since I completed the HCG diet and protocol.  And I'm excited/proud/overjoyed to say that I am the same weight today as I was on June 12.  Even when I started Phase 2 (the phase where fats and carbs are SLOWLY introduced), it seemed like I continued to get smaller (though I still weighed the same).  The clothes I was able to salvage from the "donate" pile in the garage just kept feeling bigger and bigger.  

Eventually, I broke down and bought some new clothes (especially after the comment about my khakis looking like I crapped my pants because they were so baggy......thanks for that, Rick....I love your honesty).  I got a pair of brown slacks, a pair of black slacks, and four business casual tops for work (that can also be worn for evening/weekend outings with my man).  I also found an awesome deal on some jeans at Old Navy, so I bought three pairs!  So, with those clothes and the ones I'm still able to wear after purging my closet of over half of my wardrobe, I should be good to go.  In a couple of months, I want to go through them again and scale back a little more. 

I have to admit, I'm a little surprised that I'm still the same weight.  I did stay pretty strict to the Phase 2 diet for about 2 1/2 weeks.  And then there were birthday parties and get-togethers.  Which means ice cream, cake, hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, etc.  I remember someone saying "I'm really excited for you that you can eat whatever you want now!!!".  She saw me as being deprived before.....and I can see how one would think that.  I never felt deprived.  I had no desire to eat anything that was not on my list of "allowed" foods.  But it is nice to be able to eat what is being served, rather than having to bring my own food.

Though my weight has stabilized, it's not over.  I must continue to monitor my weight and food intake for life.  That's the key.  And that's why I did it in the first place.  To get a jump start on weight loss and learn how to eat the right kinds of things and develop a taste for them (even though, right now, the thought of grilled shrimp or grilled chicken makes me ill).  I might even start exercising!



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