8:13 PM

HCG Diet (Days 41-???)

Well, I'm finally done with what I'll call Phase 1 of the HCG Diet.  The 2nd Phase is a low-carb phase (much like the South Beach or Atkins Diet), which I'll be following for the next few weeks.  I went in last week for my last official weigh-in and measurements at the clinic.  The results amazed me.  To date, according to their scales, I have lost 26.4 lbs. (According to mine, I've lost 30...and along with the 12 I lost on my own, that brings the grand total to 42!)  I have also lost 15.75" total off of the 4 regions they measure (7.75" off my waist, alone).

I had a pile of clothes out in the garage that wouldn't fit, and now I'm going to those clothes again because my others are just falling off.  I've found 4 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of black pants, a pair of grey pants and two pairs of khakis that I can wear again.  I may replace those, eventually, but for now, they will work.

I am considering doing another round of the injections (or I might try the drops this time since they are considerably cheaper and can be found locally).  If I do decide to do another round, it will start July 3.  That means my load days will be on a holiday weekend, which will be perfect!!  

I will keep you posted on my continued success and my decision on whether or not to try it again!

8:49 PM

HCG Diet (Days 34-41)

Well, I'm nearing the end.  So far, I've lost 27 lbs. on the HCG Diet.  I can honestly say I'm sick of chicken and shrimp.  I'm ready to add a little variety in my diet.  According to the protocol, I must continue to follow the diet for three days following my last injection (which was yesterday).  So, I'm looking forward to Saturday when I can maybe have a hamburger and some watermelon!  Though I will still be restricted on what I eat, I am allowed different things.  

I go in Friday for my last official weigh-in and to have my measurements taken.  Though it is the end of the HCG diet, itself, this is only the beginning of a lifestyle of different eating habits.  I hope to continue to lose weight on my own.  And with the willpower I've shown over these last 41 days, I'm sure it will be no problem to overcome temptations I will face along the way.  Like I said before, I've got great support and no one will let me slip up.

9:51 PM

HCG Diet (Days 11-33)

Sorry it has been a while since I have updated you on my progress.  Today is day 33, and I am still feeling great.  To date, I have lost 22 lbs and 12.5" total from my bust, waist, hips and thighs.  I can tell a HUGE difference in the way my clothes fit and the way I look.  According to my calculations, I have 7 more injections.  I will continue on the diet for 3 more days after my last injection (the HCG will stay in my system and continue to work).  So, by June 13, this phase will officially be over.  I go in next Friday (the 11th) to have my "after" picture taken.  And then they will instruct me on what the next phase will entail.  From what I've heard so far, it will be very similar to the South Beach Diet.  I've looked into it, and it seems like something I can handle.  Especially if I've survived the last month eating what little I have been.

It's really all about a lifestyle change.  If I continue to watch what I eat and add in a little cardio as I can, I will be able to continue to lose weight or maintain my current weight (which is a great improvement from where I started).


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