8:13 PM

HCG Diet (Days 41-???)

Well, I'm finally done with what I'll call Phase 1 of the HCG Diet.  The 2nd Phase is a low-carb phase (much like the South Beach or Atkins Diet), which I'll be following for the next few weeks.  I went in last week for my last official weigh-in and measurements at the clinic.  The results amazed me.  To date, according to their scales, I have lost 26.4 lbs. (According to mine, I've lost 30...and along with the 12 I lost on my own, that brings the grand total to 42!)  I have also lost 15.75" total off of the 4 regions they measure (7.75" off my waist, alone).

I had a pile of clothes out in the garage that wouldn't fit, and now I'm going to those clothes again because my others are just falling off.  I've found 4 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of black pants, a pair of grey pants and two pairs of khakis that I can wear again.  I may replace those, eventually, but for now, they will work.

I am considering doing another round of the injections (or I might try the drops this time since they are considerably cheaper and can be found locally).  If I do decide to do another round, it will start July 3.  That means my load days will be on a holiday weekend, which will be perfect!!  

I will keep you posted on my continued success and my decision on whether or not to try it again!



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